Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Zombous Interruptous

You know there's probably nothing worse than having your heart set on something and then having it not happen. I'm a man of simple things; they truly make my world go round. So yesterday I decided that after my day at work, and spending time with the kids and getting them into bed, I would go ahead with some zombie killing.

Dead Rising 2 had been calling my name all day. I was excited!

I get home and I walked into Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. Jacob had spent some time rearranging his toy area and my games. Change of plans then, clean up a bit after the kids go to bed, no big deal. I'll be honest when I say that I don't think that we need to have nuclear warfare or anything like that. Just send planes full of kids to the nation we have an issue with and set them loose. My son is a KMD... Kid of Mass Destruction. For a one year old the boy did serious damage. It was a twenty-five minute cleaning spree and that was only the stuff I could FIND, no telling where some of the toys and other things in the living room were hidden. Nothing worse than finding a sippy cup that's been in hiding, for 3 weeks, full of goat's milk... yeah tasty.

Kids put in bed. Check
Dinner eaten. Check
Living Room clutter-busted. Check

Now, where's that game.....

Okay, seriously, where's that GAME!?!

Another twenty minutes going around trying to find the game now. I'm checking all of his usual hiding places, the fireplace, the bookshelves, deep behind the couches, his toy chest. I can't find it.


At this point I have this image of my son in shackles, being walked down a prison hallway, because I'm ready to send him to the Bastille for hiding my game!

I can't find it. I ask my wife for help (she's at work and is getting filled in via text) and I still can't find it. So I give up. I figure when my wife Crystal gets home she'll help me figure it out.  So instead I try to fill my zombie killing urge by watching Dawn of the Dead (the remake) and some episodes of The Walking Dead.

Alas, when you have a need to do something but can't, nothing can fill that desire fully.

Crystal got home a couple of hours later and started going through the same steps that I did. She found it though... because while I was so concerned with the game being FAR back behind the couch, I didn't bother to check just a few inches under it... that's right, I was outsmarted by a one year old.

I know that I'll get another chance at that one though, kids don't change their hiding spots that often.

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